
The Articles of Incorporation for Ramblewood Estates Recreation Association, Inc. were filed in 1979.

The corporation is not for profit. As stated in the Articles of Incorporation, The purposes for which the corporation is organized is for the establishing, maintaining, and operating of an association, not for profit, solely for the mutual advantages to be derived therefrom; to present a unified effort by the members of the association in establishing and maintaining recreational facilities in Ramblewood Estates, and to engage in such other activities as may be to the mutual benefit of the owners of the property in Ramblewood Estates, Madison County, Tennessee, including but not limited to, the development, construction and maintenance of recreational facilities in Ramblewood Estates Subdivision for the use and benefit of members of the association. The mission of the Ramblewood Estates Recreation Association is to preserve and enhance the quality of life in Ramblewood Estates. We want Ramblewood to continue to be a friendly, safe, family-oriented place to live. The HOA oversees the neighborhood pool, family movie nights, Easter egg hunts, and more. We love our neighborhood!